1,833 research outputs found

    Transgendered in Alaska: Navigating the Changing Legal Landscape for Change in Gender Petitions

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    Background: Detecting intracellular bacterial symbionts can be challenging when they persist at very low densities. Wolbachia, a widespread bacterial endosymbiont of invertebrates, is particularly challenging. Although it persists at high titers in many species, in others its densities are far below the detection limit of classic end-point Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). These low-titer infections can be reliably detected by combining PCR with DNA hybridization, but less elaborate strategies based on end-point PCR alone have proven less sensitive or less general. Results: We introduce a multicopy PCR target that allows fast and reliable detection of A-supergroup Wolbachia -even at low infection titers -with standard end-point PCR. The target is a multicopy motif (designated ARM: A-supergroup repeat motif) discovered in the genome of wMel (the Wolbachia in Drosophila melanogaster). ARM is found in at least seven other Wolbachia A-supergroup strains infecting various Drosophila, the wasp Muscidifurax and the tsetse fly Glossina. We demonstrate that end-point PCR targeting ARM can reliably detect both high-and low-titer Wolbachia infections in Drosophila, Glossina and interspecific hybrids. Conclusions: Simple end-point PCR of ARM facilitates detection of low-titer Wolbachia A-supergroup infections. Detecting these infections previously required more elaborate procedures. Our ARM target seems to be a general feature of Wolbachia A-supergroup genomes, unlike other multicopy markers such as insertion sequences (IS)

    Energy and glacier mass balance of Fürkeleferner, Italy: past, present, and future

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    The energy and mass balance of mountain glaciers translate into volume changes that play out as area changes over time. From this, together with former moraines during maximum advances, information on past climate conditions and the climatic drivers behind during glacier advances can be obtained. Here, we use the distributed COupled Snowpack and Ice surface energy and mass balance model in PYthon (COSIPY) to simulate the present state of an Italian glacier, named Fürkeleferner, for the mass balance years 2013–2017. Next, we investigate the local climate during the time of the last “Little Ice Age” (LIA) maximum glacier advance using COSIPY together with the LIA glacier outline retrieved from moraine mapping and a digital elevation model (DEM) adapted for the glacier’s geometry at the time of the LIA as a benchmark. Furthermore, the glacier’s sensitivity to future air temperature increase of +1 K and +2 K is investigated using the same model. For all simulations, meteorological data of closely located climate stations are used to force the model. We show the individual monthly contribution of individual energy and mass balance components. Refreezing during the summer months is an important component of the energy and mass balance, on average about 9 % relative to total annual ablation. The results from simulating past climate show a 2.8 times larger glacier area for Fürkeleferner during the LIA than today. This further implies a 2.5 K colder climate, assuming that the amount of precipitation was 10 %–20 % in excess of today’s value. Concerning further temperature increase of 2 K, the glacier would only consist of the ablation area implying sustained mass loss and eventual total mass loss. Even under current climatic conditions, the glacier area would have to decrease to 17 % of its current area to be in a steady state. We discuss the reliability of the results by comparing simulated present mass balance to measured mass balances of neighboring glaciers in the European Alps and with short-term measurements on Fürkeleferner itself. In conclusion, we are able to show how the glacier responds to past and future climate change and determine the climatic drivers behind

    Breather solutions for a semilinear Klein–Gordon equation on a periodic metric graph

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    We consider the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation t2u(x,t)x2u(x,t)+αu(x,t)=±u(x,t)p1u(x,t) \partial_t^2 u(x,t) - \partial_x^2 u(x,t) + \alpha u(x,t) = \pm |u(x,t)|^{p-1}u(x,t) on a periodic metric graph (necklace graph) for p>1p > 1 with Kirchhoff conditions at the vertices. Under suitable assumptions on the frequency we prove the existence and regularity of infinitely many spatially localized time-periodic solutions (breathers) by variational methods. We compare our results with previous results obtained via spatial dynamics and center manifold techniques. Moreover, we deduce regularity properties of the solutions and show that they are weak solutions of the corresponding initial value problem. Our approach relies on the existence of critical points for indefinite functionals, the concentration compactness principle, and the proper set-up of a functional analytic framework. Compared to earlier work for breathers using variational techniques, a major improvement of embedding properties has been achieved. This allows in particular to avoid all restrictions on the exponent p>1p > 1 and to achieve higher regularity

    The phenomenon of relapse in alcoholism: an integrative review of international scientific publications (2004-2009)

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    Esta revisão apresenta um panorama das pesquisas recentes sobre alcoolismo, a fim de caracterizar os tipos predominantes de pesquisa. A partir da base de dados Scopus, foram realizadas buscas com os descritores "relapse" (recaída) e "alcohol" (álcool). Os artigos foram classificados de acordo com a abordagem teórica e metodológica utilizada. Os estudos quantitativos são predominantes; todavia, no que se refere à abordagem teórica, as abordagens cognitivo-comportamentais, neurológicas e epidemiológicas se destacam, o que indica predominância da perspectiva biomédica. Nessa perspectiva, são discutidas tanto as limitações dos estudos quanto a eficácia dos tratamentos que nela se baseiam, reforçando a necessidade de maior investimento em estudos qualitativos e na assimilação da contribuição das ciências sociais para o assunto.Esta revisión presenta un panorama de las pesquisas recientes sobre alcoholismo, a fin de caracterizar los tipos de pesquisa que vienen predominando. A partir de la base de datos Scopus, fueron realizadas búsquedas con los descriptores "relapse" e "alcohol". Los artículos fueron clasificados de acuerdo con el abordaje teórico y metodológico utilizado. Predominan los estudios cuantitativos y, en cuanto al abordaje teórico, se destacan la cognitiva-conductista, la neurológica y la epidemiológica, indicando una hegemonía de la perspectiva biomédica. Se discuten limitaciones de los estudios en esta perspectiva, así como la eficacia de los tratamientos en ella basados, reforzando la necesidad de invertir más en estudios cualitativos y en la asimilación de la contribución de las ciencias sociales al tema.This review presents an overview of recent research on alcoholism in order to characterize the predominant types of research. From the Scopus database, searches were conducted using the keywords "relapse" and "alcohol". The articles were classified according to the theoretical and methodological approach used. Quantitative studies are prevalent, however, in relation to the theoretical approach, the cognitive-behavioral, neurological and epidemiological approaches stand out, which indicates a predominance of the biomedical perspective. In this perspective are discussed both the limitations of the studies and the effectiveness of treatments which are based on them, reinforcing the need for greater investment in qualitative research and in the assimilation of the contribution of social sciences to the subject

    Charakterisierung der Strahlensensitivität von Neuroblastomzellen in Abhängigkeit vom TrkA/TrkB Status - Identifizierung von Zielgenen durch Erstellung von Expressionsprofilen

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    In dieser Arbeit sollten mRNA Microarrayprofile an einem Neuroblstomzellkulturmodell erstellt und analysiert werden, um erste Anhaltspunkte für die molekularen Mechanismen der Tropomyosin-related Kinase (Trk) - Rezeptor vermittelten Strahlenresistenz von Neuroblastomzellen zu erhalten. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde auf die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten regulierter Gene als Antwort auf Bestrahlung in den Zelllinien SY5Y-TrkA und SY5Y-TrkB gelegt. Identifizierte Expressionsunterschiede wurden bezogen auf den Trk-Status der entsprechenden Zelllinien (SY5Y-Vec, SY5Y-TrkB und SY5Y-TrkA) mit und ohne Stimulation durch deren jeweilige Liganden, Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) für SY5Y-TrkA, bzw. Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) für SY5Y-TrkB mittels Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Test statistisch analysiert. Diese Genmuster wurden miteinander verglichen. Die entsprechenden Zelllinien waren zunächst in unbestrahltem Zustand. Anschließend wurden Genexpressionsveränderungen im Zeitverlauf nach Bestrahlung abhängig vom Trk-Status der Zelllinien und in An- und Abwesenheit der Liganden untersucht. So sollten erste Hinweise für Mechanismen der unterschiedlichen Strahlenresistenz der untersuchten Zelllinien gefunden werden. Dabei wurde besonderes Augenmerk auf DNA-Reparaturgene gelegt. Die wesentlichen Ergebnisse der Arbeit lassen sich folgendermaßen zusammenfassen: 1. Der basale Trk-Rezeptor Expressionsstatus von SY5Y-Neuroblastomzellen führt zu größeren Expressionsunterschieden in Form von Geninduktion oder Genregulation als die zusätzliche exogene Aktivierung der Rezeptoren durch ihre spezifischen Liganden BDNF für SY5Y-TrkB bzw. NGF für SY5Y-TrkA, die lediglich eine geringe Änderung im Expressionsmuster bewirkt. 2. Die stabile Expression des TrkA-Rezeptors vermittelt auch in Abwesenheit des spezifischen Liganden NGF eine gewisse Resistenz gegenüber Bestrahlung. Ursache hierfür könnte die Herauf-Regulation bestimmter DNA-Reparaturgene sein, vor allem des Gens X-ray repair cross complementing 4 (XRCC4), das an der chromosomalen Stabilität TrkA-tragender Neuroblastomzellen beteiligt sein könnte. 3. Da in SY5Y-TrkA Zellen auch das klassische DNA-Reparaturgen p21 stark induziert wird, vermutete ich eine erhöhte DNA-Reparaturkapazität dieser Zellen, die in nachfolgenden Studien mittlerweile auch nachgewiesen werden konnte

    Modell für das nachhaltige Immobilien-Portfoliomanagement betrieblicher Büro-Bestandsbauten

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    Als einer der größten Ressourcenverbraucher und Schadstoffemittenten rückt der Gebäudesektor verstärkt ins Interesse der Nachhaltigkeitsdiskussion. Informationen zur ökologischen, sozialen und ökonomischen Qualität von Gebäuden werden unablässig. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es deshalb, ein Modell für das nachhaltige Immobilien-Portfoliomanagement international tätiger Großkonzerne mit einem entsprechend umfassenden und heterogenen Büro-Bestandsbautenportfolio zu entwickeln

    Relevance of in vitro metabolism models for PET radiotracer development

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    The utility of in vitro metabolism models for the development of positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracers was evaluated using three xanthine-derived adenosine A1 receptor ligands, 8-cyclopentyl-3-(3-fluoropropyl)-1-propylxanthine (CPFPX), 8-cyclobutyl-3-(3-fluoropropyl)-1-propylxanthine (CBX) and 3-(3-fluoropropyl)-8-(1-methylcyclobutyl)-1-propylxanthine (MCBX), as model compounds. In vivo metabolic stability and metabolite patterns of the three compounds were investigated in the rat model and compared to in vitro data generated in rat liver microsomes. Following optimisation of the microsomal assay conditions, in vitro half-lives of the test compounds were determined and expressed as ratios for the purpose of in vitro-in vivo comparison. The half-life ratios (± SE) of CBX:CPFPX, MCBX:CPFPX and CBX:MCBX were 3.1 ± 0.11, 1.4 ± 0.029 and 2.2 ± 0.033. In vivo metabolic stability of the 18F-labelled compounds was assessed in anaesthetised rats via blood analysis. Plasma clearance values were calculated and expressed as inversed ratios to facilitate direct comparison with in vitro half-life ratios. The inversed clearance ratios (± SE) of [18F]CBX:[18F]CPFPX, [18F]MCBX:[18F]CPFPX and [18F]CBX:[18F]MCBX were 2.6 ± 0.12, 0.82 ± 0.019 and 3.1 ± 0.15. In vitro half-life ratios deviated between 19 and 71% from inversed clearance ratios. These deviations can be considered small in view of the reduced complexity of the microsomal model and the multitude of physiological parameters affecting in vivo pharmacokinetics of a substance. Visual comparison of metabolite profiles generated in vitro and in vivo revealed a high degree of similarity. In conclusion, both quantitative and qualitative aspects of radiotracer metabolism could be reasonably well predicted by microsomal data. This result encourages the implementation of in vitro metabolism studies as an integral part of PET radiotracer development

    Health effects of dietary phospholipids

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    Beneficial effects of dietary phospholipids (PLs) have been mentioned since the early 1900's in relation to different illnesses and symptoms, e.g. coronary heart disease, inflammation or cancer. This article gives a summary of the most common therapeutic uses of dietary PLs to provide an overview of their approved and proposed benefits; and to identify further investigational needs

    Avaliação da influência de agentes de expansão e reticulação nas propriedades finais de placas expandidas de eva

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    O copolímero de etileno-acetato de vinila (EVA) utilizado para a produção de espumas poliméricas vem ganhando grande interesse comercial devido as suas propriedades como resistência química e à abrasão, isolante térmico, baixa densidade, dentre outras. Para a formação das espumas, diversas formulações podem ser utilizadas e no setor calçadista há vários aditivos empregados atualmente. Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a influência de dois agentes de reticulação (bis peróxido e peróxido de dicumila) e dos teores de oxigênio ativo A[O] e de agente de expansão (CBA) nas propriedades finais de placas expandidas de EVA com teor de acetato de vinila de 28% em peso. Para isso utilizou-se um design de experimentos no modo fatorial completo, em uma replicação e randomizado, gerando uma matriz de experimentos de 18 amostras. As misturas foram realizadas em um misturador fechado, seguida por laminação em cilindro e posterior moldagem por compressão. A caracterização das amostras obtidas foi feita através das análises de medida de expansão, densidade, dureza (Shore O), resiliência, resistência à abrasão, deformação permanente à compressão (DPC) e ensaios de tração. A análise estatística dos dados obtidos mostra que o aumento no teor de CBA causa um decréscimo nos valores de densidade, dureza e nas propriedades de tração, e um acréscimo nos valores de resiliência e resistência à abrasão. Enquanto que o aumento no teor de A[O] leva ao aumento nos valores de densidade, dureza, tensão na ruptura e módulo, decrescendo os valores de DPC, alongamento na ruptura e resistência à abrasão. O peróxido de dicumila apresentou menores valores para densidade, dureza e módulo de tração e valores maiores para DPC, resiliência, alongamento na ruptura e resistência à abrasão em comparação com o bis peróxido.The ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) used for the production of polymeric foams has gained great commercial interest due to its properties such as low density, chemical and abrasion resistance, insulation capacity, among others. For the preparation of foams, several formulations can be used, and in the footwear sector there are several additives used. This work aims to investigate the influence of two crosslinking agents (bis peroxide and dicumyl peroxide) and the active oxygen A [O] and chemical blowing agent (CBA) contents on the final properties of expanded EVA foams with vinyl acetate content of 28% by weight. For this, a design of experiments in full factorial mode, in one replication and randomized mode was used, generating an experiment matrix of 18 samples. The mixtures were carried out in a closed mixer, followed by rolling in a cylinder and subsequent compression molding. The characterization of the foams was made through the analysis of expansion, density, hardness (Shore O), resilience, abrasion resistance, compression set (CS) and tensile properties. Statistical analysis of the data obtained shows that the increase in CBA content causes a decrease in density, hardness and tensile properties, and an increase in resilience and abrasion wear values. While the increase in the A [O] content leads to an increase in the values of density, hardness, stress at break and modulus, decreasing the values of CS, elongation at break and abrasion wear. Dicumyl peroxide had lower values for density, hardness and tensile modulus and higher values for CS, resilience, elongation at break and abrasion wear compared to bis peroxide

    Clinical psychology from a point of view of J. P. Sartres contributions

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    Traditionally, clinical psychology has faced epistemological dilemmas in its core, such as the multiplicity of tendencies that structure it, which leads to an undefinition of its object. Among other aspects, the legacy it received from the liberal perspective and the medical model are also problematic and they have already been put in question. This affects its practical dimensions. Sartre was an author who discussed aspects of the basis upon which psychology was built, as well as clinical facets and proposed some innovative concepts. His work has much to offer to overcome such dilemmas. The fundamental project in Sartre’s intellectual work was reformulating psychology in his set of psychological, philosophical, literary works and in his biographical enterprises. Sartre was the creator of a new psychological theory as of a specific methodology to investigate the human reality. Both of them were explained in his “existential psychoanalysis” where Sartre gives the basis for an existential clinical psychology. The duty of the sartrean psychotherapy is to put the being project of the individual into his own hands, turning him into the manager of his own life and his own history. Keywords: clinical psychology; Jean-Paul Sartre; existential psychology.O campo da psicologia clínica vem, historicamente, enfrentando dilemas epistemológicos no seu âmago, tais como, a multiplicidade de tendências que a fundamentam, que acarretam na indefinição de seu objeto, além da já questionada herança da perspectiva liberal e do modelo médico, entre outros aspectos, que acabam por questionar sua dimensão prática. Sartre foi um autor que discutiu aspectos fundantes da disciplina psicológica, bem como de seu domínio clínico, propondo concepções inovadoras. Suas obras têm muito a oferecer para o enfrentamento e superação de tais dilemas. O projeto fundamental do trabalho intelectual de Sartre foi reformular tal disciplina, realizando esse propósito no conjunto de suas obras psicológicas, filosóficas, literárias e em seus empreendimentos biográficos. Criador de uma metodologia específica de investigação da realidade humana, explicitada em sua “psicanálise existencial”, Sartre fornece as bases para uma psicologia clínica existencialista. Utilizando o recurso de elaborar biografias de escritores conhecidos, Sartre demonstrou ser possível atingir o conhecimento objetivo do ser do sujeito estudado, primeiro passo necessário para uma intervenção científica. A tarefa da psicoterapia sartriana é, pois, colocar o projeto de ser da pessoa em suas próprias mãos, na medida em que isso o viabilizará como sujeito de sua vida e de sua história.   Palavras-chave: psicologia clínica; Jean-Paul Sartre; psicologia existencialista